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This book tells the secrets the military has been hiding ever since February 1942 when huge super-dirigibles appeared over Los Angeles three months after Pearl Harbor, resulting in the famous Battle of Los Angeles. Fearing the worst, that Emperor Hirohito was unleashing a highly weaponized yellow fever virus, the Army panicked, concocting an ill-fated and illegal vaccine that killed 50,000 of its own troops and disabled another 300,000 personnel. After the bombing of Hiroshima, the Emperor sent three super-dirigibles to Tonopah Army Air Field, now known as Area 51, two of them arriving three days later, unveiling his super weapons of mass destruction, thus beginning backchannel negotiations to end the war as the Allies acceded to Hirohito’s demands that he remain Emperor. Although the PR machine of the Office of War Information convinced most of humanity that Japan unconditionally surrendered, the Americans opened up their markets at Hirohito’s demands and took a full six years to negotiate the Peace Treaty of San Francisco in 1951. Although the Americans claimed the war was over in 1945, they retained the tiny four-foot-tall Yakuza pilots who had piloted the super-dirigibles as prisoners of war and sought to use the dirigibles for their own purposes. Chapters include: Japan, an Isolationist Empire; Emperor Hirohito; The American Army and Navy Flu; Drugs and War Mongering; Pearl Harbor; The Chrysanthemum Throne; The Chinese War; The Battle of Los Angeles; Fu-Go Balloon Bombs; The Triple Nickles Battalion; Atomic Warfare; Japan’s Response; The Palace Coup; Japanese Technology; Marcus Island; The Surrender; The Roswell Incident; The Cover-up; Bargain with the Devil; more. 

THE ROSWELL DECEPTION And the Demystification of WWII By Douglas Dietrich with Peter Moon. 308 Pages. 5x9 Paperback. Illustrated. Appendices.

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