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Everyone likes a good mystery, whether it is fictional or based in fact. The history of the United States is absolutely full of mysterious facts that are not taught in school, and most people don’t know the untold stories surrounding many historical events. Here, Peter Kross brings many of these little-known stories to life. He details conspiracy theories, unexplained events and mysteries that have never been solved spanning a time period from the “discovery” of the continent by Europeans to the founding of the nation to the present day.  

The book also tells the stories of unexplained events in our history, as well as mysteries that have never been solved. The events covered in the book range from the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War II, the Cold War, the assassinations of the 1960s, the Iraq war and the events leading up to 9-11. Among the subjects covered are the following: Was Christopher Columbus Jewish?; The plots to kidnap George Washington; Who was Agent 355?;  John Wilkes Booth may have been under the command of the Confederate Secret Service. The first terrorist attack against New York was carried out by the Germans in 1915, with an explosion that was felt as far away as Maryland. John F. Kennedy had an affair with a woman who may have been a Nazi spy. A plot hatched by the nation’s most wealthy and prominent businessmen to oust FDR and institute a fascist government was revealed, but the influential conspirators were never prosecuted. Other historical oddities highlighted and dissected are:  • The Fall of Pan Am 103 • The Unmasking of Valerie Plame  • Mohammad Atta’s Strange Behavior in Florida • The CIA’s Involvement in a Myriad of Murky Plots  Secret machinations that most ordinary citizens never suspect are constantly at work, and they change history. Kross reveals the underside of our hidden history in this amazing and informative book! These stories are fascinating accounts of the underside of our hidden history that will amaze and inform the reader.

THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES: Conspiracies, Cobwebs and Lies By Peter Kross. 382 Pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. References. 

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