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Brainphone Prophecy EBOOK
Brainphone Prophecy EBOOK

Do you think your smartphone might be controlling too much of your life these days? Wait till they insert it in your brain! Due to a perfect storm among powerful corporations, powerful governments, and futuristic, mesmerizing phone technology, you soon will be asked to have a next generation of smartphone physically inserted in your brain. Many of your friends will say yes, buying into the wonders the device promises. The reality, however, will be much more nightmarish. Don’t want the implant? Too bad—the government will want you to get one. Will controlling entities monitor your thoughts? You bet. Will Artificial Intelligence take over the network? It’s likely. Will the brainphone eventually ruin humankind as we know it? Yes, it will. Does this scenario sound like the End of Days? Maybe—the brainphone is very similar to a device described in The Holy Bible. From humans-and-technology expert Scott Snair, Ph.D., this book makes the compelling argument that you are about to enter a new phase of human existence, as people are merged with a technology that alters them, monitors them, and, in many ways, commands them. Fortunately, there are ways you can resist this fusion, if you choose to push back. THE BRAINPHONE PROPHECY explains how. Chapters include: Why Are You About to Have a Smartphone Inserted in Your Skull?; How Will Your Brainphone Work? How Will Corporations and Governments Monitor Your Thoughts?; How Will the Brainphone Bring Us Down?; How Might the Brainphone Signify the End of Times?; How Might You Revolt Against the Prophecy?; more. 

THE BRAINPHONE PROPHECY: Stop Corporations and the Government from Inserting a Smartphone in Your Brain EBOOK By Scott Snair, Ph.D. 288 Pages. Illustrated. References.

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