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Transcending the fables and misinformation of modern Egyptology, this book provides a detailed description of how the Great Pyramid was really built! New discoveries of lost technologies used to build this massive wonder are the focus of this book! Independent researcher, lecturer and author, Steven Myers explains what really happened as the Great Pyramid was built. He describes the fascinating and unique building process from the initial surveying, all the way to the placement of the capstone! The Original Builders were geniuses who possessed advanced understanding which they used to develop sophisticated technology. Using these advanced technologies they were able to create the wonder we call the Great Pyramid. Extensively illustrated, this book describes how the massive stones were moved from the quarries and set in place with extreme precision. Using the lost technologies described in this book, the Great Pyramid was assembled effortlessly without the unworkable notion of a gigantic ramp. This book also examines modern Egyptology's unprovable explanations of how the Great Pyramid was built and offers a fresh and exciting alternative! Steven Myers feels that the Great Pyramid is not just an irrelevant ancient structure. He contends that the Great Pyramid was built using advanced technologies that need to be redeveloped in our modern age. The most important aspect of this book is the contention that these ancient, but highly advanced technologies, can vastly improve our modern but very troubled world! Chapters include: When the Mystery is not a Mystery; The Great Pyramid in Historical Context; The Great Pyramid in Technological Context; It’s a Water Pump; Introduction to the Assembly Process; Completing the First Three Levels; Let’s Take a Ride! Stone Moving Details; Water Locks and Barge Moving Techniques; Placing the Largest Stones; Placing the Capstone of the Great Pyramid; What’s Next?; more.

How the Great Pyramid was Built! By Steven Myers. 350 Pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.

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